The best is yet to come

6 maggio 2020

Sunday I expressed my thoughts on present situation and, more important my idea on how to restart, which I prefer to name “back to living”, which I do hope can happen the soonest possible, as we need it. Today I carry on this, then as from next posts I’ll be back talking business, we need it as well. On Sunday I was saying how important is to live our life and on effects the Lockdown had and will have on our lives. Yesterday there was the first relaxing in Italy, even with thousands crooks who are still spreading terror on consequences that any loss of attention could have in terms of contagious and deaths. We had the same where I live, with less noise and less restrictions, but I see same effects: people do not go out of homes, do not go shopping, do not help economy to recover. I am not surprised: even in Italy, country of people with little discipline, general behaviour is unchanged: worry to go out, many sheriffs controlling and criticising other people, restrictions and bureaucracy. We’ll end up very badly this way; however it is difficult to imagine different behaviours after over six weeks locked in under a continuous bombing of scare and death tolls. Tonight, on one important Italian On-line paper there was a big title: “Without Precaution, the second wave could be even worse” and then a lot of figures of possible deaths… This whilst Professor Raoul, in Marseille, is saying that the second wave could possibly not happen at all. I do not know who can be right or wrong, but I believe that unless we defuse quickly the “Bomb of scare” the humanity will be really at risk this time, because the Social bomb is just behind the corner.
I repeat, let’s go back to life, it’s to save our lives! This time I did not open with a song, but I close with it, a song I love because it accompanied many moments of my life with my wife, also on our wedding: , “The best is yet to come” by Ligabue (Sorry, it’s in Italian!) let’s believe it! #Iamnotscared.